So much goodness to post! The older kids are out of school for the summer and we kicked it off right with a trip to beautiful Lake Chelan - here in Washington - for our family reunion.
Surrounded by family - cousins to play with, Fourth of July fireworks, Grandpa's 90th bday - it really marked the beginning of summer for us!
This summer is also seeing a refreshed commitment to my parent coaching business. My own life has been so transformed by this process that I truly can't imagine NOT bringing this to as many people as possible. I'm enjoying the connections being made on the blog and my FB page. I can't wait to see what the future brings and all the wonderful families who will be impacted by this work!
To this end I'm busily creating a peaceful parenting ecourse for busy parents! I've had some great feedback about the live 4 week telecourse. Some people who want to attend are nervous that they aren't in the optimal place (time limits, internet down, other commitments) to receive the course and really apply the lessons. Because I totally understand that (I've been there myself!) I'm creating this course to be a self-paced study with interactive components that replace our weekly, live calls. I can't wait to get this out to you all!
In other news, babies grow up. This is both a happy and (very) sad thing. Eden is 6(!) months already. She's such a content baby - and her siblings are still so excited about her. Sibling Love has to be one of the best Loves in the world. I'm an only child - but I get so filled up watching their love for each other that I can imagine how sweet it must be for them.
We'll begin introducing food to Eden very soon - I think this is one of the most exciting parts of raising babies! That's the real foodie in me talking.
When Eden was born I bought the book Beautiful Babies and the companion online course from Kristen Michaelis of Food Renegade. I love all the information in this book and course! We're all set to start food with pastured egg yolk and probiotics leading the way.
What was your baby's first food?
1 week ago